audio connectors, 57
audio. See sound
battery problems, 27 replacing, 83
BIOS, 91
boot sequence about, 95 changing, 96 option settings, 95
to a USB device, 96
installing PCI, 67 PCI, 66
PCI Express, 66 PCI Express slots, 58 PCI slots, 58 removing PCI, 70 slots, 58, 66
types supported, 66
CD/DVD drive activity light, 56 eject button, 56 problems, 28
CDs, 18 playing, 16
Check Disk, 29
CMOS settings clearing,
computer components inside, 59 crashes,
restore to previous state, 50 stops responding, 32
connectors audio, 57 center/LFE, 57 headphone, 56
video, 58
copying CDs
general information, 18 helpful tips, 20
how to, 18
copying DVDs general information, 18 helpful tips, 20
how to, 18
cover removing, 58 replacing, 84
Dell contacting, 102 support policy, 100 support site, 10
Dell Diagnostics, 46
Dell Premier Support website, 9
diagnostic lights, 43
diagnostics Dell, 46 lights, 43, 56
documentation End User License
Agreement, 9 ergonomics, 9 online, 10