Better Edge Backup v5.2
User Guide
Copyright © 2008, Better Edge Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Page 103 of 121 (September 16, 2008)
15 Backup/Restore MySQL Server
This chapter will describe in details how to use Better Ed ge Backup to backup your MySQL server and how you can
restore your MySQL server from the database back up files.

15.1 Requirements

i. Better Edge Backup must be installed on to the computer running MySQL server.
ii. Data from MySQL server will be backed up to a temporary directory before they are sent to Offsite
Backup Server. Please make sure you hav e sufficient space on your computer to store these data
when you run the backup job.
iii. There must be a MySQL account can be used to connect from localhost.
Add two new MySQL accounts for Backup Manag er
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost'
-> IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost.localdomain'
-> IDENTIFIED BY 'some_pass';
They are superuser accounts with full privileges to do a nything with a password of some_pass.

15.2 Overview

Better Edge Backup will backup your My SQL server by taking the following steps:
i. Run all Pre-Commands of this backup set
ii. All database(s) (either local or external) selected are backed up to a temporary directory specified
in its backup set
iii. Run all Post-Commands of this backup set
iv. Upload all backup files from the temporary d irectory to an Offsite Backup Server
v. Remove temporary files from the temporary di rectory if [Setting] -> [Temporary Directory for
storing backup files] is enabled