Better Edge Backup v5.2

User Guide


￿128-bit point-to-point SSL communication between server and client

￿Support HTTP/HTTPS Proxy and Socks v4/v5 firewall

￿Data are 128-bit encrypted when stored on the backup server

￿Choice of different encryption algorithms, e.g. Twofish, Triple DES, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

￿Choice of different encryption modes, e.g. Electronic Cook Book (ECB) and Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)

￿An random initializing vector, salt and iteration count will be generated by the software automatically for each file when encrypting your data

￿Each backup user can restrict online access to his files to his pre-defined list of IP addresses

1.4System Requirements

￿Operating System:

1.Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003

2.Linux kernel 2.2 or above ** (e.g. RedHat Linux 6.x or above, though the use of Linux kernel 2.6.9-34 or above is recommended)

3.Solaris 2.x or above

4.Mac OS X 10.2 or above

5.NetWare 5.1 or above

6.All other operating systems that supports Java2 Runtime Environment 1.3.1 or above

￿Memory: 128MB (minimum), 256MB (recommended)

￿Disk Space: 100MB

￿Network Protocol: TCP/IP (http/https)

**Standard C++ libraries for backwards compatibility compiler (compat-libstdc++-x.x-y.y.y.y.i386.rpm) must be installed if you are not using a Linux 2.2 kernel. These libraries are required to run all Java applications.

Copyright © 2008, Better Edge Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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(September 16, 2008)

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Deonet Backup Solutions manual Security, System Requirements