Better Edge Backup v5.2
User Guide
(Hint: For maximum security, please select AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) Algorithm, CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode and use an encrypting key with more than 8 characters.)
iii.Run Backup
a.Select the backup set you want to run on the left panel and press the [Start Backup] button (►)
b.Select the backup type (e.g. Database, Transaction Log) you would like to perform (for Domino server only)
11.4How to restore Lotus Domino / Notes database(s) / file(s)
Please follow the instructions below to restore Lotus Domino server / Notes client database(s) / file(s) from an Offsite Backup Server.
i.Install Lotus Domino server / Notes client back to its original folder (if required)
ii.Install Better Edge Backup
Please refer to the [Installation] section for information on how to install Better Edge Backup onto your computer.
iii.Copy LotusMediaRecovery.exe from the bin directory (default to C:\Program Files\Better Edge Backup\bin) to Lotus Domino installation directory (default to C:\Lotus\Domino)
iv.Shutdown Lotus Domino Server
v.If you want to perform a full domino restore (restore all databases and files):
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