Better Edge Backup v5.2
User Guide
| corrupt databases |
| Enabled (default). If a database is corrupt and | |
| |||
| Domino cannot use the transaction log to |
| recover it, Domino runs the Fixup task, assigns |
| a new DBIID, and notifies the administrator that |
| a new database backup is required. |
| Disabled. Domino does not run the Fixup task | |
| automatically and notifies the administrator to |
| run the Fixup task with the |
| corrupt logged databases. |
| |
| Runtime / Restart |
| This field controls how often Domino records a | |
| performance |
| recovery checkpoint in the transaction log, which | |
| affects server performance. | |
| To record a recovery checkpoint, Domino evaluates | |
| each active logged database to determine how many | |
| transactions would be necessary to recover each | |
| database after a system failure. When Domino | |
| completes this evaluation, it: | |
| Creates a recovery checkpoint record in the | |
| transaction log, listing each open database and |
| the starting point transaction needed for |
| recovery |
| Forces database changes to be saved to disk if | |
| they have not been saved already |
| Choose one: | |
| Standard (default and recommended). | |
| Checkpoints occur regularly. |
| Favor runtime. Domino records fewer | |
| checkpoints, which requires fewer system |
| resources and improves server run time |
| performance. |
| Favor restart recovery time. Domino records | |
| more checkpoints, which improves restart |
| recovery time because fewer transactions are |
| required for recovery. |
| |
| Logging style |
| Choose Archive. The default is Circular. | |
You can only run transaction log backup if you have transaction logging enabled and you are using archive mode. This command does not apply if you have transaction logging enabled not in archive mode or if transaction logging is not enabled at all. If you try to issue it, you will receive an error message.
11.2 Overview
Better Edge Backup will backup your Lotus Domino server / Notes client by taking the following steps:
i.Run all
ii.If the backup type to run is [Database Backup type],
a.all file(s) / database(s) selected are copied to the temporary directory specified by this backup set
b.the notes.ini file, if selected, will be copied to the temporary directory
c.only filled log extents will be copied to the temporary directory, and the Domino server is notified of their availability for reuse (for Domino server only)
iii.(for Domino server only) If the backup type to run is [Transaction Log Backup type],
a.only filled log extents will be copied to the temporary directory, and the Domino server is notified of their availability for reuse
iv.Run all
Copyright © 2008, Better Edge Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | Page 75 of 121 | (September 16, 2008) |