Better Edge Backup v5.2
User Guide
Easy Backup of
1.Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 / 2003
2.Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 / 2000
3.Lotus Domino/Notes 5.0 or above
4.Oracle 8i or above
5.MySQL 3.2.4 or above
6.Windows System State
7.Outlook and Outlook Express (i.e. *.pst, *.dbx and *.wab)
8.Important personal settings, e.g. Desktop, Favorite, My Documents and History etc
9.Other common files (e.g. *.doc, *.xls)
Support backing up only changes within a file (using
Support backing up of open files on Windows XP/2003 (Volume Shadow Copy)
Support backing up of Windows NTFS access privileges, Linux access privileges and modes, Mac OS X metadata and resource forks
Easy to use, deploy and maintain
(New in 5.2) Full support of Microsoft Exchange individual email, contacts, calendars, tasks etc.
(New in 5.2) Choose whether to restore “file permissions” during restore.
(New in 5.2) For “Local Copy” backup, ability to choose whether to perform a local copy backup only and skip the offsite backup.
(New in 5.2) Lotus Notes/Domino agent for Linux.
(New in 5.2) Auto Upgrade Agent to automatically upgrade the client software.
User configurable incremental / differential
Volume Shadow Copy backup (i.e. backing up files even when they are exclusively open, e.g. Outlook.pst).
Customizable backup schedule allows backups to be scheduled at any time.
Compress and encrypt data automatically before sending them to the server (server stores only encrypted data).
Increment backup strategy ensures that only new or updated files are sent to the backup server.
Support both full backup (database backup) and incremental backup (transaction log backup) for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000, Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003, Lotus Domino/Notes 5.0 and Oracle 8i or above.
Can integrate with external “Open File Manager” to provide open file backup support to all open files.
Access backup data anytime, anywhere by using a web browser.
Comprehensive backup report lists all files backed up. Backup report delivered automatically via email.
Backup data are CRC validated before they are stored on server.
Fully user customizable data retention policy allows users to have access to deleted files using the least possible storage space on the backup server.
Can select source backup files easily by using a backup filter, e.g. selecting all *.doc and *.xls in your computer in a single operation.
Run any custom OS commands before/after a backup job.
Run on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, NetWare, Unix and all other platforms supporting a Java2 Runtime Environment.
Periodic backup files validation on backup server ensures backup files are 100% valid and fully restorable when needed.
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