Better Edge Backup v5.2
User Guide
6 Backing Up Files
This chapter describes how files are backed up by Better Edge Backup to the backup server
6.1How files are backed up
The diagram below describes how Better Edge Backup backs up your files.
Run backup at scheduled time automatically
Once you set your backup scheduled, a backup job will be started automatically to perform backup operation for you at your absence. You can have backup running at your scheduled time as often as you want (e.g. twice a day or hourly during office hour) without requiring doing any extra work.
Incremental Backup
Unchanged files are already backed up to server and need not to be backed up again. Better Edge Backup will pick the new or updated files from your backup set files and upload only these files to the server. It significantly reduces the time required to perform the backup operation since most users update less than 5% of their total data each day.
Compress and encrypt data automatically
Data are compressed and encrypted before they are uploaded to the server. Not only does it reduce the storage space to keep you backup files, it also ensures the privacy of your data.
File Retention Policy
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