Better Edge Backup v5.2
User Guide
Copyright © 2008, Better Edge Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Page 105 of 121 (September 16, 2008)
c. Enter the root password, the MySQL server TCP/IP port number a nd the path to MySQL
backup utility (mysqldump)
d. Select the database(s) to be backup
e. Enter a temporary directory for storing the ba ckup files before they are sent to an Offsite
Backup Server, e.g. C:\Backup\MyS QL
f. Set the backup schedule for Database B ackup
g. Set the encryption algorithm, encryption mode a nd encrypting key for this backup set
(Hint: For maximum security, please select AES (Ad vanced Encryption Standard) Algorithm,
CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode and use a n encrypting key with more than 8 characters.)