Better Edge Backup v5.2
User Guide
Copyright © 2008, Better Edge Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Page 63 of 121 (September 16, 2008)
Note: You can have more than one schedule in a backup set, i.e. you can perform intra-day transaction log
backup by adding more than one daily transaction log backup schedule to your backup set.
g. Set the encryption algorithm, encryption mode a nd encrypting key for this backup set
Hint: For maximum security, please select AES (Ad vanced Encryption Standard) Algorithm,
CBC (Cipher Block Chaining) mode and use a n encrypting key with more than 8 characters.
iv. Run Backup
a. Select the backup set you want to run o n the left panel and press the [Start Backup] button
b. Select the backup type (e.g. Datab ase Backup, Archived Log Backup) you would like to