Figure 2 System Grounding illustration
Electrical Noise
If any sensitive electronic equipment (i.e. digital computer, test equipment, etc.) is operating on the same line as the 525 PMC additional EMI/RFI filtering may be required to reduce the effects of conducted noise. Effects of electrical noise on the electronic equipment is greatly reduced when the techniques outlined below are closely followed.
1.Do not run low power control signals and high power wiring in the same raceway.
NOTE: If mixing wires cannot be avoided, then the low voltage control input and output wiring must be shielded. The shield for these wires should only be connected to ground at the source end of the cable.
2.Connecting both ends of a shielded cable to ground may cause a ground loop condition.
3.Keep all wires in the system as short as possible, with consideration for troubleshooting and repair.
4.Follow the recommended grounding arrangements.
5.Suppression devices should be used on relays and coils as outlined in the following section.
6.If control signal and high power wiring must cross, make sure they cross at a 90 angle.