In velocity mode the ±10 VDC command signal is connected through the 15 pin DB style command connector. The input circuit of the 525 is a differential input amplifier with the following characteristics:
•Application of a + voltage to pin 7 with respect to pin 13 (GND) will produce either a CW motion or torque in the CW direction as viewed from the shaft end of the motor.
•Application of a - (negative) voltage to pin 7 with respect to pin 13 (GND) will produce a CCW motion or CCW torque. The opposite conditions are true if the analog voltage is applied to pin 6 with respect to pin 13. The analog voltage can also be applied between pins 6 and 7 for a true differential input.
Figure 23 Command Input Circuit
Voltages on pins 6 or 7 must not exceed ±12 VDC with respect to pin 13, analog ground
Figure 24 15 Pin Command Connector