525 Programmable Motion Controller
Figure 20 Command Connector Circuit
Current should only flow when a motion pulse is applied by the external pulse
generator and each voltage pulse must be at least 1.5 micro seconds wide and
between 2.4 and 5.5 VDC (TTL compatible) to be accepted as a valid pulse. The
user's signal driver must be able to supply 25mA (either sinking or sourcing). If
open collector logic devices are used in a sinking connection, pull-up resistors may
be necessary.
The speed of the system is based on the pulse frequency and can be changed by
changing the value of "Steps Per Revolution" in the PCX Parameters screen (see
PCX manual). the maximum pulse frequency is 210 KHz.
NOTE: CW rotation of the motor is established with the operator facing
the shaft end of the motor.