Hardware Preparation and Installation 

2.Check for damage and report any damage or differences to the customer service.
3.Remove the desiccant bag shipped together with the product.
Environmental Damage
Improper disposing of used products may harm the environment. Always dispose of used products according to your country’s legislation and manufacturer’s instructions.
2.4Preparing the Installation Environment
Before you install or replace components, pay attention to the following:
zWear an
zKeep the area where the components reside clean and keep the components away from
zEnsure that your sleeves are tightened or rolled up above the elbow. For safety purposes, it is not recommended to wear jewelry, watch, glasses with metal frame, or clothes with metal buttons.
zDo not exert too much force, or insert or remove the components forcibly. Avoid damage to the components or
zConfirm the feasibility of the operation
The spare parts of the components to be installed or replaced are available in the equipment warehouse. When the available spare parts are lacking, contact Emerson Network Power. For details on how to get help from Emerson Network
Power, visit http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/embeddedcomputing.
Make sure that the new components are in good condition, without defects such as oxidation, chemical corrosion, missing components, or transportation damage.
zCheck the environment
Make sure that the power supply, temperature, and humidity meets the operating requirements for the motherboard and its components. For details, refer to the respective system documentation.
zPrepare the parts and the tools
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