Xi Advanced Electronics
Instruction Manual
IM-106-910Xi, Original Issue November 2010
Figure 4-5. Calibration Methods, Simplified
New O2 cells may operate for more than a year without requiring calibration, but older cells may require recalibration every few weeks as they near the end of their life.
A CALIBRATION RECOMMENDED alarm provides notice of when a calibration is required. This strategy ensures that the O2 reading is always accurate and eliminates many unnecessary calibrations based on calendar days or weeks since previous calibration.
The O2 Probe(s) can be calibrated manually through the handheld 375/475 Field Communicator or the Xi. Fully automatic calibration can be performed automatically using the Xi and the SPS 4001B Single Probe Autocalibration Sequencer or the IMPS 4000 Intelligent Multiprobe Sequencer.
This section covers manual calibration. For automatic calibration details see the Instruction Manual for the SPS 4001B Single Probe Autocalibration Sequencer or the IMPS 4000 Intelligent Multiprobe Test Gas Sequencer.
Calibration can be performed using three basic calibration methods. The methods available to you for use depend on the configuration of your system. The paragraphs that follow describe how to perform a calibration for three basic system configurations shown in Figure 4-5.
Included in the calibration procedures are instructions for setting up the cali- bration parameters. Setup of the calibration parameters should be performed before the first O2 calibration. Thereafter, perform calibration setup only as needed to change the calibration parameters or to reset the parameters fol- lowing the replacement of primary system components.
Before calibrating verify that the configuration gas parameters are correct. Refer to Section 3: Configuration of Xi Electronics.
O2 Calibration with Xi | For systems with configuration 1, shown in Figure |
| cedure to perform a calibration using the Xi. If necessary, use the Xi menu |
| tree in Figure |