Instruction Manual
IM-106-910Xi, Original Issue November 2010
Xi Advanced Electronics
Appendix A XPS Information
Remote XPS for 44V Probes - 6A00358G01
XPS Equipment Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page
The XPS is primarily an interfacing electronics box installed between an O2 Probe and the Xi electronics. There are three variants of the XPS electronics box, each with specific functions.
1.Remote XPS - 6A00358G01 for 44V Probes
2.Remote XPS - 6A00358G03 for 115V Probes
3.Integral XPS - 6A00365G01 for 44V Probes
This version of the XPS is for use with Westinghouse/Rosemount Analytical World Class probes that use a 44 volt heater, and when the O2 Probe uses a 120/240V, 50/60Hz power source. The 6A00358G01 version contains electronics to receive and process multiple raw signals from the probe.
Signal wires between the O2 Probe and the G01 version XPS include the following:
1.Thermocouple - 2 conductors (type K lead wire)
2.Sensing Cell - 2 conductors
3.Heater - 3 conductors
This version of the XPS provides for probe heater control and signal conditioning. The signal conditioning electronics result in a linear
No operator interface is included. Thereby, the
For heater control the G01 version of the XPS includes a transformer. The transformer converts 120/240V AC input power to the 44V AC heater voltage used in the Westinghouse/Rosemount Analytical World Class probe.