Xi Advanced Electronics
Instruction Manual
Message | Status | Self Clearing | |
NV Mem Fail | A checksum error was detected in the nonvolatile memory configuration data when the unit was | No | |
| turned on. |
| |
Factory Mode | On Xi box I/O board, SW4, position 1 is set on "ON". On transmitter electronics board, SW1, | No | |
| position 1 is set to "ON". This setting should only be used in the factory. |
Board Temp Hi | The transmitter electronic board temperature reading is above 126° C or the | No | |
| Xi unit I/O board temperature reading is above 86° C. |
O2 | Htr Ramp Rate | The O2 sensor heater ramp rate is greater than max allowed ramp rate indicating a run away | No |
| heater condition. |
O2 | Sensor Open | The cell impedance voltage is reading less than | Yes |
| disconnected or the O2 sensor junction may be open. |
O2 | TC Open | The O2 cell heater thermocouple voltage is reading more than the hardware configured threshold | Yes |
| voltage. This indicates the thermocouple wires may be disconnected or the thermocouple junction |
| may be open. |
O2 | Temp Low | The heater temperature is below the minimum temperature. The predefined low temperature | Yes |
| threshold is the 726° C. |
O2 | Temp High | The heater temperature is above the defined temperature threshold. The high temperature | Yes |
| threshold is the defined by the "High Temp Alm SP" parameter. The default value is 750° C. |
O2 | T/C Shorted | The O2 sensor heater temperature thermocouple voltage is shorted. | Yes |
O2 | T/C Reversed | The O2 sensor heater temperature thermocouple voltage is reading a negative voltage indicating | Yes |
| the thermocouple wire connections may be reversed. |
O2 | Htr Failure | The O2 sensor heater temperature is not responding to the controller and can't reach final | Yes |
| temperature set by the device, indicating the O2 heater may have failed. |
No Flame | The Flame Status Relay Input is set to the OFF state indicating it is not safe to operate the O2 | Yes | |
| heater and the heater should be turned off. |
Xmtr Disconnect | Communication failures detected between transmitter and the I/O board indicating the transmitter | Yes | |
| has been disconnected from the I/O board. |
| |
Cal Recommended | Probe calibration is recommended. The cell impedance is above 100 ohms and has shifted 50 | Yes | |
| ohms since the last calibration; the accuracy of the O2 reading may be compromised. |
Cal Failed | A calibration error occurred during the last calibration. The measured slope or constant is outside | Yes | |
| the acceptable range. (Slope: 34.5 to 57.5 mv/decade) (Constant: ±20 mv) |
| |
Cell Imp High | The O2 sensor impedance/cell resistance value measurement is greater than 2000 Ohms | Yes | |
| indicates the cell may be beyond its useful life. |
CPU Voltage Low | The CPU voltage is less than 2.7 V indicating the CPU voltage is too low. | Yes | |
| |
CPU Voltage High | The CPU voltage is more than 3.3 V indicating the CPU voltage is too high. | Yes | |
Htr Voltage Low | The heater voltage for the O2 cell heater is below 35 volts. | Yes | |
Htr Voltage High | The heater voltage for the O2 cell heater is above 264 volts. | Yes | |
Low O2 | The O2 reading is below the "Low O2 Alm SP". | Yes |
There are a few fault conditions where no alarm indication is present and the probe passes calibration, but the O2 reading may still be incorrect:
An incorrect flow rate of calibration gases can cause a shifted calibration. If the flow rate of calibration gases is too low, process gases can mix in with the calibration gases causing a mixture at the cell that is different than what is noted on the calibration gas bottles. Always set the calibration flow rate when a new diffuser is installed, and never readjust this flow rate until another new diffuser is installed. For applications with heavy particulate loading, see "Probe Passes Calibration, But O2 Still Appears To Read Low".
No or improper reference air supplied.