Setting the Run Time Parameters
The tests you select will run in the following manner unless you change the run time parameters:
QEach test is performed one time (passbound) Q The program waits if an error occurs
Q No errors are recorded to the printer, disk, or other device.
If you want to change the default run time parameters, press c5F2 to move to the Run time parameters window. (Press m at any time to exit and return to the submenu of diagnostic tests.)
The first run time parameter specifies the mode in which to run the test. You see this prompt:
Testing mode: (T)imebound / (C)ontinuous / (P)assbound ? P
In Timebound mode, the program runs the tests for the amount of time you specify; press [Tl and then [Enl#l.
In Continuous mode, the tests run until you interrupt them; press [cl and [Enbrl.
In Passbound mode, the program runs the tests the number of times you specify. This is the default setting; press [PI, if necessary, and m to select the mode.
The next option is:
Wait on error (Y/N) ? Y
Press [VI and [Enlw3 if you want the program to pause when an error occurs. This lets you view the error message, make note of it, and then press c3~nbr to continue. (Y is the default setting.)