This Equity® 386/33 PLUS User’s Guide contains the information you need to get the best results from your computer. You’ll find instructions for adding options to your system such as disk drives, option cards, or a math coprocessor, as well as general reference information such as how to use diskettes, test your system, and troubleshoot minor problems.
For instructions on setting up your system or changing the SETUP configuration, see the Setup Guide.
You don’t have to read everything in this book. Its contents are summarized below:
Chapter 1 covers general operating procedures, such as using and caring for disks and disk drives.
Chapter 2 describes special features you can use to enhance your system’s performance.
Chapter 3 tells how to remove and replace the computer’s cover and subassembly to reach internal components.
Chapter 4 describes some of the options you can use in your computer and instructions for setting jumpers, replacing the battery, and installing options.
Chapter 5 explains how to install and remove disk drives.
Appendix A lists the specifications of your computer, Appendix B covers the system diagnostic tests you can run, and Appendix C contains troubleshooting tips.
At the end of this manual you’ll find a glossary and an index.
Introduction 1