If you select Log errors on disk, the program displays this submenu:
Floppy disk A:
Floppy disk B:
Hard disk C:
Hard disk D:
(You do not see drive D unless you have a second hard disk drive.) Press [Ll or [tl to highlight the disk on which you want to log the error messages and press [Mwl. The program creates a file called ERROR.LOG in the current directory of the specified disk drive. After running the tests, you can open the ERROR.LOG file to review the errors that occurred during the tests.
The program uses this device for error logging until you change it or indicate you do not want error logging. When you specify a new device, the program erases the existing ERROR.LOG file, if any.
When you specify the device for error logging, one of these error messages may appear:
Floppy disk A not present
Floppy disk B not present
Hard disk C not present
Printer port not present
Serial port not present
Error in printer status
Error in serial port status
Error in floppy drive A
Record the error message and select a different device for error logging.
Once you set the run time parameters, you are ready to select the test(s).
Performing System Diagnostics B - 7