Special key functions (continued)




Works with other keys to perform special (control) functions, such as editing operations in MS-DOS and various application programs.


Works with other keys to enter alternate character


codes or functions.




Moves the cursor back one space, deleting the


character to the left of the cursor.




Ends a line of keyboard input or executes a






Turns the Insert function on and off.




Deletes the character marked by the cursor.




Control cursor location.

Changes the function of the numeric/cursor keys from entering numbers to positioning the cursor; changes back when pressed again.


Cancels the current command line or operation.

m-mPerform special functions within application programs.

@gg (PrtSc)

Prints the screen display on a printer.

[slsl (Req)Generates the System Request function in some application programs (used with [ul).

mControls scrolling in some applications.

[pulSuspends the current operation.

Terminates the current operation (when used with


Using Your Computer 1-3