Operating speed

The speed at which the central processing unit can execute commands. The Equity 386/33 PLUS can run at 33 MHz or simulated 11 MHz.

Operating system

A collection of programs (such as MS-DOS, OS/2, or UNIX) that manages a computer’s operations. The operating system determines how programs run on the computer and supervises all input and output.

Option card

A circuit board you install inside the computer to provide additional capabilities, such as a modem.


Operating System/2. The enhanced operating system by Microsoft that provides dual mode processing and multitasking capabilities. See also Operating system.


The type of interface that transmits all the bits in a byte of data simultaneously over separate lines. See also Interface and Serial.


A qualifier added to a command that tells MS-DOS what particular conditions to look for and specifies information such as what data to process and where to locate or store a file.

Glossary 13