5.If you installed a hard disk drive with its controller on an option card, did you disable the built-in hard disk drive controller and select the correct drive type through SETUP? See Chapter 2 of the Setup Guide for instructions.

Preparing the Drive

Before you can store data on a new hard disk (which has already been physically formatted), you must do the following to prepare it for use:

1.Run the SETUP program to define your hard disk as part of the computer’s configuration. (See Chapter 2 of the Setup Guide for instructions.)

2.Partition and format the drive for the operating system you are using. If you are using MS-DOS, instructions for performing these procedures and installing the operating system are provided in your MS-DOS manuals. If you are using another operating system, follow the instructions that came with it.

If you do not prepare the drive correctly, you will not be able to store data on the disk. For example, if you have partitioned the drive and formatted it for MS-DOS (or for another operating system) but you do not copy the operating system to the drive, you will not be able to load the operating system from the hard disk when you turn on the computer.

If you are sure the hard disk has been installed properly and you have prepared it for use as described above but you cannot access the drive, review the instructions in your operating system manuals. Make sure you performed each step in the installation process correctly for your configuration.

If you cannot identify the problem, consult your dealer.

Troubleshooting C-17