7.Set the paper release lever to the pull tractor position. Then use the micro adjust mode (described on page 3-35) to remove any slack in the paper between the push and pull tractors.

8.Move the paper release lever back to the position you set in step 3.

9. When the printer receives data, it will start printing at the


current position without advancing the paper. If necessary,

follow the steps in “Adjusting the Top-of-Form Position” on page 3-35 to adjust the current position of the paper.

10.Attach the printer cover. Make sure the paper guide is installed and lying flat on the printer, and the continuous paper support is in the upright position.

11.Send a print job to the printer. The printer starts printing from the current position without advancing the paper. After you finish printing, tear off the printed document at the perforation nearest the paper exit slot.

Printing on Continuous Paper
