The connection (via a cable) between the computer and the printer through which print data is transmitted to the printer.
Returns the printer to its default settings (a fixed set of conditions).
Printing that is oriented sideways on the page. This orientation gives you a page that is wider than it is high and is useful for printing spreadsheets. See also portrait.
line feed (LF)
A control panel button and control code that advances the paper one line space.
micro adjust
A printer feature that allows you to precisely adjust the
near letter quality(NLQ)
The print mode used by your printer when you select Roman or Sans Serif as the font. Printing with near
paper positions
There are three paper positions for continuous paper printing: standby,
The size of the font, which is measured in the number of character per inch (cpi). The standard is 10 cpi. See also character per inch.
The black roller that provides a backing for the paper during printing.
Printing that is oriented upright on the page (as opposed to landscape, in which printing is sideways on the page). This is the standard orientation for printing letters or documents. See also landscape.
printable area
The area of a page on which the printer can print. It is smaller than the physical size of the page because of margins.
printer driver
A software program that sends commands for using the functions of a particular printer.
To return a printer to its default settings.
Glossary 3