This section contains information on how to solve common operational problems.
Go through the following list if you encounter any problems. If this check list does not solve the problem, contact your system administrator. If others have similar problems, there may be a system error.
Fault check list
| Action or |
Fault | Probable cause | comment |
No display | Battery low or | Charge battery |
| phone defect |
“Connect battery” | Battery not | Check battery or |
is displayed | properly fit or | contact system |
| defect | administrator |
No ringing | Ringer off icon on | Off icon on: Adjust |
| or phone defect | volume |
Signal strength | Out of coverage | Enter coverage |
icon off | area, system or | area or contact |
| phone defect | system |
| administrator |
Low battery icon | Battery capacity | Charge battery |
on | equal to 10% |
Low battery icon | Battery capacity | Charge battery |
flashes | equal to or lower |
| than 5% |
4 short beeps every | Out of coverage | Enter coverage |
2 minutes | area or not | area or contact |
| connected | system |
| administrator |
BusinessPhone – Cordless DT590 | 135 |