Users Manual
Table 4-5. Command and Query Reference (cont)
FILE_RX File Receive
The normal serial protocol is suspended and a binary transfer (XMODEM)
is started between the instrument memory card and the host computer.
Received data is typically an instrument configuration file transmitted from
the host computer and uses the naming convention, SETxx.HYD. If the file
already exists it is overwritten.
<file> = SET00.HYD, SET01.HYD, ... SET99.HYD
An Execution Error is generated under any of the following conditions: the
card is not installed; the card is not formatted; the file cannot be created;
scan or monitor is active; the instrument is configured for even or odd
parity (parity must be "none"); or the instrument is configured for Echo On
(Echo must be "Off"). See the FILE_TX command for transmitting data
files. The file name convention is not checked, so any file may be
transferred to the memory card.
FILE_SPACE? File Space
Returns the number of kilobytes available for files on the memory card.
Example: FILE_SPACE? returns 1003 [There are 1003 kilobytes free on
the memory card.]
FILE_STORE Configuration File Store
Saves present instrument configuration in the given file.
<file> = SET00.HYD, SET01.HYD, ... SET99.HYD
Configuration file names must match the naming convention ’SETxx.HYD’
where xx is a two-digit integer number. If the given file already exists, it is
overwritten. If there is not enough room to store a new configuration file, if
the card is write-protected, card is not installed, or card is not formatted,
an Execution Error is generated.
Example: FILE_STORE SET21.HYD [Save the present instrument
configuration in the file SET21.HYD.]