Relative Humidity (Non-Condensing)
90% maximum for 0°C to 28°C
75% maximum for 28°C to 35°C
50% maximum for 35°C to 50°C
35% maximum for 50°C to 60°C
(Except 70% maximum for 0°C to 35°C, 0% maximum for 40°C to 50°C, and 20%
maximum for 50°C to 60°Cfor the 300 ke, 3 Me, and 10 Me ranges.)
Operating: 2,000 m maximum
Non-operating: 12,200m maximum
0.7g at 15 Hz
1.3g at 25 Hz
3g at 55 Hz
30g half sine per Mil-T-28800
Bench handling per Mil-T-28800
The general specifications are provided in the following paragraphs.
Channel Capacity
21 Analog Inputs
4 Alarm Outputs
8 Digital I/O (inputs/outputs)
Measurement Speed
Slow rate: 4 readings/second nominal
Fast rate: 17 readings/second nominal
1.5 readings/second nominal for ACV and high-e inputs
For additional information, refer to Typical Scanning Rated and Maximum Autoranging
Nonvolatile Memory Life
>10 unpowered instrument years for 0°C to 28°C
>3 unpowered instrument years for 0°C to 50°C
>2 unpowered instrument years for 50°C to 70°C
Stores: Real-time clock, set-up configuration, and measurement data.
Common Mode Voltage
300V dc or ac rms maximum from any analog input (channel) to earth provided that
channel to channel maximum voltage ratings are observed.