Call Metering
Call Metering
When the BusinessPhone Communication Platform is provided with metering information from the public net, the call metering function can be used to check the cost of outgoing calls. The BusinessPhone Communication Platform offers several options to obtain this information.
Cost Indication
During an outgoing external conversation the display shows the actual cost. If you want to deactivate the Cost Indication you have two options:
To deactivate the indication of the ongoing call:
Press (see display).
To toggle between cost indication or no cost indication. The system will only show the call duration in case of an incoming external call or if the public net does not provide the system with metering information.
To deactivate the indication for all further calls:
Verification tone, the Cost Indication is deactivated.
To activate the Cost Indication again for all further calls, repeat the procedure.
BusinessPhone – Dialog 4223 Professional / Dialog 3213 | 43 |