Call Metering
| Printout contents |
Date: | Shows the date of the printout. |
Time: | Shows the time of the printout. |
Ericsson | 4 lines with 50 characters per line are free for definition. For |
Enterprise GmbH | example, for the company address. |
Pottendorfer Str. |
1121 Vienna |
Reason for printout: | This field shows if the printout was initiated only to read out the |
| counter or if the printout was caused because of a reset procedure. |
Division: | This field is prepared for future applications. Currently it always |
| shows Total system. |
Group: | Shows if the desired directory number(s) is (are) related to the |
| extension (caller) or trunk group. |
Directory number | Shows the directory number of the desired extension or trunk line. |
range: | When no directory number is entered then ALL will be shown in this |
| field and you will see all the counters of the extensions and trunk |
| lines on the display. |
Currency: | Shows the defined currency. |
Dir.No.: | Shows the directory number of the desired extension/trunk line. |
Name: | Shows the name of the extension or trunk line. |
Pulses: | Shows the accumulated pulses for the desired extension/trunk line |
| since the last reset. |
Cost: | Shows the accumulated cost for the desired extension/trunk line |
| since the last reset. |
Cost/Pulse: | Shows the actual price per pulse. |
Total: | Shows the accumulated pulses and cost of all the extensions/trunk |
| lines on the printout. |
48 | BusinessPhone – Dialog 4223 Professional / Dialog 3213 |