Portable Dryer Troubleshooting | Plenum Sensor |
Procedure for Locating, Testing and Replacing a Defective Plenum Temperature Sensor
The picture below is of the plenum bolt sensor in the plenum of the dryer. See previous page for more information.
Plenum Bolt Sensor (Part No.
View of back side of the plenum bolt sensor, as it is mounted in the conduit fitting. (Located inside the dryer plenum, to the right, just inside the rear access door.)
View of the 4"x4" plastic junction box. This is located to the left of the fan/heater facing the front of the dryer. It contains the plenum overheat and a juction point where the wires from the plenum bolt sensor are butt connected together.
Plenum 300 Degree Overheat (10' Length)(Part
Plenum 300 Degree Overheat (24' Length)(Part No.