Portable Dryer Troubleshooting | Troubleshooting Tips |
Out Of Grain Warning Shutdown
Out Of Grain Warning
•This message indicated that the dryer has run low on grain. The shutdown occurs when the loading equipment has run longer than the time the operator has set on the Out of Grain timer. The mercury switch located on top of the dryer tells the computer when the dryer is full or calling for grain. The shutdown usually occurs when the loading equipment is having trouble keeping up with the output of the dryer.
Possible Solution
•Look at the loading equipment to see if this is the problem. Remember, the top hopper of the dryer should always have grain in it. If any of the side screens are opening up at anytime, then you are losing heat along with efficiency. This indicates that you are not filling fast enough. Speed up the loading equipment to the dryer.
Out of Grain Hints
1.The out of grain timer is only in use when the fill switch is in the auto position. In the manual position the top mercury switch will still shut off the fill auger, but the dryer will not shutdown if the source of grain to the fill auger is depleted.
2.Before setting the Out of Grain timer, monitor how long it takes the dryer to refill for shrink. Then, set the Out of Grain timer accordingly. Example: If a
dryer takes six minutes to refill for shrink, add an additional five minutes to this, and use this as the amount of time to program into the Out of Grain timer. The additional five minutes is to avoid any nuisance shutdowns. A lot of customers don't want their fill augers to run empty if the source of grain runs out. They may want to set the Out of Grain timer closer than the additional five minutes. (this is fine, but caution the customer that it may cause some nuisance shutdowns.)
3.For the Out of Grain warning to work properly, the fill equipment must be large enough to handle the capacity of the dryer. You do not want the side columns to get low on grain. This will allow the airflow to escape from the dryer through the side screens. If this happens you lose efficiency and may start having a loss of airflow shutdown.