
Possible Cause





My image is

A natural or

• Try taking the picture from a

too bright

artificial source

different angle.


other than the

• Avoid pointing the camera


flash provided


directly toward a bright light


too much light.


or reflective surface on a





sunny day.



• Decrease the EV



Compensation (see



page 55).





The scene had

Decrease the EV Compensation


many dark-

(see page 55).


colored objects,



such as a black



object against



a dark









The Display

Change the Display Brightness


Brightness is set

in the Setup Menu for more


to High for

accurate brightness on the


outdoor display,

Image Display (see page 86).


making images



appear too



bright on the



Image Display.






You used EV

Set EV Compensation to 0.0



(see page 55).


when you



should not have.





Troubleshooting and Support 113