7 Monitoring storage system events
This chapter describes how to manage events using HP P6000 Command View.
Events overview
Events track the progress of actions, both normal and exceptional, that occur on the array. Examples of typical events are creating virtual disks or initializing an array. Examples of exceptional events are an incomplete function or a reduction in array capabilities. Normal events are more common than exceptional events.
You can use HP P6000 Command View to configure and view these events. Managing events from the HP P6000 Command View user interface is especially useful when you are monitoring multiple arrays.
Events are captured in one or more of the following logs:
•Management server
•Controller termination
All event logs are stored in the C:\Program
Manager for StorageWorks HSV\cache\ directory on the management server
Email notification
You can configure HP P6000 Command View to send email notifications regarding storage system alarms and hardware conditions. For more information, see the online help.
Management server event log
The management server is the server on which HP P6000 Command View is installed. Management server events are triggered by:
•Responses to user actions in the user interface
•Actions initiated through the HP P6000 Command View application program interface (API)
Controller event log
A controller event is a normal or exceptional action on any hardware component or logical object within the array. Examples of controller events are:
•Disk or disk enclosure changes
•Configuration changes (such as creating a disk group)
•Controller reboots
•Changes detected by the environmental monitoring unit (EMU) within the array (does not apply to the EVAx400 or P6000 models)
Events overview 53