10 x 15 cm photo paper copy 35
4 x 6 inch photo paper copy 35
accessibility 4 accessories
installation 11
acoustic emissions 102 administrator
management tools 43 settings 44
after the support period 93 aligning printheads 59
best copy quality 36 black and white pages
copy 34 troubleshoot 72
black dots or streaks, troubleshoot copies 77
scan 81
blank pages, troubleshoot copy 76
print 68 scan 80
dongle, order online 86 borderless printing
Mac OS 29
Windows 28 both sides, print on 31 buttons, control panel 9
order USB 86 calibrate linefeed 60
cancel copy 39 print job 33 scan 42
Cancel button 10 capacity
tray 22 cards
guidelines 19 sizes supported 21 tray supporting 22
cartridges. See ink cartridges clean
exterior 66 printheads 60 scanner glass 65
color copies 39
color copy 34
colored text, and OCR 42 colors
bleeding 73 faded or dull 72 print black and white,
troubleshoot 72 troubleshoot 73 wrong 73
features available 10 connectors, locating 9 control panel
administrator settings 44 buttons 9
copy from 34 faceplate, removing 96 lights 9
locating 8 menus 14 messages 14 scan from 40
send scans to programs 41 settings, change 15
copy cancel 39
enhance light areas 39 from the control panel 34
legal to letter 37 number of copies 35 paper size 35 paper types,
recommended 35 photos, enhance 38 quality 36, 76 reduce 37 settings 34 specifications 101 speed 36
text, enhance 38 troubleshoot 75
Copy button 9 Copy menu 14
critical error messages 15
guidelines 19 print on 27
sizes supported 21 customer support
electronic 90
HP Instant Support 47 Korea 94
phone support 90 warranty 93
dark images, troubleshoot copies 77
scans 80 darken
copies 38 Declaration of Conformity
(DOC) 106 default settings
control panel 15 copy 35 driver 30
print 30
DOC 106 documentation 6
dots or streaks, troubleshoot copies 77