Restoring a switch
Restoring a switch loads the archived switch configuration parameters to the switch. The switch configuration must be archived before it can be restored. The switch archive must be compatible with the switch to be restored; that is, you can restore a McDATA switch only with an archive from a McDATA Web Server switch. See ”Archiving a switch” on page 78 for more information.
CAUTION: The switch being restored should be physically disconnected from the fabric. Restoring a switch in a fabric can severely disrupt the fabric. After the restore process is complete, the switch can be reconnected to the fabric.
The Restore dialog consists of the Full Restore tab page and Selective Restore tab page. To restore a switch:
1.Log in to the fabric through the switch you want to restore. You cannot restore a switch over an ISL.
2.Select Switch > Restore in the faceplate display to open the Restore dialog shown in Figure 35.