ZCOM C I/F Library Routines


receiver of the incoming messages. Use of this feature does not require that a primary receiver be defined. For every terminal, each receiver mode (except mode ZcOUTB_MLTPLX) allows a maximum of ZcMAX_SHARED_RCVRS (64) program ZLUs to be set with action ZcADD_SHARED.

An application program can indicate that it no longer wishes to receive messages by issuing a zset_rcvr() call with the same parameters as those specified in the original zset_rcvr() request, and setting the action parameter to ZcDEL_PRIMARY or ZcDEL_SHARED.

The libraries libzcom_c.a and libpthread.a must be linked into the calling program by giving the options “-lzcom_c -lpthread” to cc(1) or ld(1).


This routine may be called from a multi-threaded application using the


POSIX (1003.1c) kernel threads API package. This routine has the


following characteristics when called by a multi-threaded application:


cancellation point

Thread cancellation can occur when a thread calls this





async-cancel unsafe

The calling thread’s cancelability type must be



PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED if cancellation is





async-signal unsafe

It cannot be called from a signal handler.


fork unsafe

It cannot be called by a child process after fork(2) but



before exec(2).


Chapter 4