ZCOM Tables and Data Structures

Logical Terminal Tables

LTZLU - Terminal ZLU number

This is the ZLU number of the owning terminal.

LTZCS - Owning ZLU checksum

This is the ZLU checksum of the owning terminal.

LTMUX - Mux interface number for this terminal

This is the Mux interface number that this terminal is configured on.

LTPORT- Port number within the Mux card

This is a one byte field that indicates which port this terminal is attached to within the Mux card.

LTTERM - Terminal number within port

This is a one byte field that indicates which terminal within a port this terminal is configured on. This field has been replaced by the ltmxtm field. This field continues to be valid for 2/8-channel MUX cards for backwards compatibility reasons.

LTPTERM - Pointer to the physical terminal table (zptt_type *)

It contains the memory address of the related physical terminal table. This field is used as a linkage to find physical terminal information.

LTGZLK - ZLU of next terminal in group

Contains the circular linkage of ZLUs linked to the same physical terminal. The linkage is to allow de-multiplexing of inbound messages. For a normal 1:1 terminal, the entry will contain its own ZLU number. Note that there is no checksum associated with this ZLU.

LTDEVC - Terminal device type

Unique identification of the actual terminal connected to the system. Two different terminals can have the same screen format and physical protocol, but the device type may not necessarily be the same; it relates to the symbolic device type specified in the TTGEN configuration file.

LTTYPE - Logical terminal type

The logical terminal type is used to describe the message format expected from the terminal. For screen-type terminals this will identify the terminal as belonging to a class of terminals with the same screen formatting attributes and message delimiters (e.g., IBM.3278 or NCR.501).


Chapter 3