show np engine parser statistics
Use show np engine with the parse parameter to view the network processor parser statistics.
hostname# show np engine parse
Parser Statistics: |
= 0 | |
Total packets | |
Parseable packets | = 0 |
Unparseable packets | = 0 |
Unknown packets | = 0 |
Unknown L3 packets | = 0 |
IP packets | = 0 |
Fragments | = 0 |
TCP packets | = 0 |
UDP packets | = 0 |
ICMP packets | = 0 |
Unknown IP packets | = 0 |
ARP request packets | = 0 |
ARP reply packets | = 0 |
RARP requests | = 0 |
RARP replys | = 0 |
show np engine rule statistics
Use show np engine with the rule parameter to view the network processor rule statistics.
hostname# show np engine rule
Rule Statistics: |
= 0 | |
Rule hits | |
Rule misses | = 0 |
Rules created | = 4888 |
Rules deleted | = 3258 |
Function Call Counters: | = 4888 |
Create called | |
Delete called | = 3258 |
Compressed rules | = 1482 |
Early exit rules | = 46 |
FPP rules | = 102 |
FPP total removes | = 506 |
FPP total adds | = 608 |
Linx rules | = 1566 |
Total rules | = 1630 |
X Family CLI Reference V 2.5.1 | 105 |