Chapter 3. Command Reference
show np ip reassembly statistics
Frag 001 | = 0 |
Frag 011 | = 0 |
Frag 100 | = 0 |
Frag 101 | = 0 |
Frag 111 | = 0 |
Frag OFS | = 0 |
Same IP addr | = 0 |
Same port | = 0 |
TCP DLEN | = 0 |
Use show np reas ip to view the network processor IP (internet protocol) reassembly statistics.
hostname# show np reas ip |
IP Reassembly Statistics: |
| |
Reassembly queues contain | 0 frags in | 0 dgrams |
Summary: | = 0 |
Frags incoming |
| |
Frags kept | = 0 |
Frags dropped (duplicate) | = 0 |
Frags dropped (other) | = 0 |
Dgrams completed | = 0 |
Dgrams dropped | = 0 |
Dgrams frag overlap | = 0 |
Dgrams outgoing | = 0 |
Reasons for dropping: | = 0 |
Misleading MF bit |
| |
Exceeded frag limit | = 0 |
Exceeded dgram limit | = 0 |
No mem for frag | = 0 |
No mem for dgram | = 0 |
Expired frags | = 0 |
Frag len / total len mismatch | = 0 |
Frag out of range | = 0 |
Frag len not multiple of 8 | = 0 |
Bugs (should all be zero): | = 0 |
Null PCB |
| |
Not IPV4 | = 0 |
Not a fragment | = 0 |
Invalid hdr len in pullup | = 0 |
Invalid pld len in pullup | = 0 |
No first frag in pullup | = 0 |
No last frag in pullup | = 0 |
Invalid size | = 0 |
show np reassemblytcp statistics
Use show np reas tcp to view the network processor reassembly tcp statistics.
hostname# show np reas tcp
TCP Reassembly Statistics:
TCP reassembly queues contain | 0 frags | 0 flows | 0 linx entries |
Total bytes allocated 27926528 |
Summary: |
| = 0 |
Frags incoming |
| |
Flows given up |
| = 0 |
Flows dropped |
| = 0 |
Flows outgoing |
| = 0 |
108 X Family CLI Reference V 2.5.1