
force standby

forces the device into Standby state.


access: global; all

The history command displays the last 30 commands typed from the command line. The command abbreviation is hist.

The history command can be used in combination with the ! command to execute a command in the history buffer.

Using history

view history Use history to view the commands in the history buffer. (command)

bufferhostname# history 1 show chassis

2 show session

3 conf term

execute command <number> from history buffer

Use history followed by ! and a number execute a particular command from the history buffer. In this example, the second command in the buffer is executed:

hostname# hist


2show clock

3conf t sess wrap


hostname# !2 hostname# show clock

Local Time: 2002-05-01 12:14:12 Timezone: CDT

DST: disabled


access: global; all

The logout command logs you off of the device.


Using logout

log off the

Use logout command to log off of the device.



X Family CLI Reference V 2.5.1