Chapter 1. X Family Startup Configuration
Line SpeedThe line speed setting for port. A valid entry will meet the following criterion:
• either 10 or 100
Duplex SettingThe duplex setting for the port. A valid entry must be one of the following:
• copper - full or half
Auto NegotiationThe auto negotiation setting determines whether the port will negotiate its speed based on the connection it can make. A valid entry must be one of the following:
An excerpt of the Ethernet Port Options dialog follows:
device18# setup eth
Configure slot 3 (Ethernet Ports)? <Y,[N]>:y Configure port 1 (Ethernet Port)? <Y,[N]>:y
This port is currently enabled, would you like to disable it? <Y,[N]>:n
Please enter values for the following options Line speed [100]:
Duplex setting [Full]: Auto negotiation [On]:
The settings entered for slot 3, port 1 are as follows:
Line speed: 100
Duplex setting: Full
Auto negotiation: On
Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, or [E]xit without saving [C]: a
Configure port 2 (Ethernet Port)? <Y,[N]>:
CAUTION: When you configure a Ethernet port using the command line interface, the port will be shut down. Use the conf t int ethernet <slot> <port> no shutdown command to restart the port.
Default Email Contact Information
The Default Alert options dialog does not run in the
These options enable you to establish the default sender and recipient for filter alert
18X Family CLI Reference V 2.5.1