Additional Configuration
In this example, the X family device was originally configured in Routed mode, as described in “Network Deployment Configuration” on page 9. In changing to NAT mode, an external virtual interface must also be configured, and you are prompted to do so after selecting NAT mode. The default IP addresses are accepted, and no additional configurations are made.
device11# setup
Would you like to modify the network deployment mode? <Y,[N]>:y
Please choose a network deployment option:
1)Routed mode
2)NAT mode
3)Transparent (layer 2) mode
Please Select []: 2
You must now configure the external interface.
Mode (static, dhcp, pppoe, pptp, l2tp) [static]: dhcp
Your selected deployment mode requires an internal interface in order to function correctly. Would you like to create one now? <Y,[N]>:y
IP Address []:
Mask []:
Would you like to modify virtual interfaces? <Y,[N]>:n Would you like to modify security zones? <Y,[N]>:n
Would you like to modify security zone to virtual interface mapping? <Y,[N]>:n
Would you like to modify firewall policy rules? <Y,[N]>:n Would you like to enable SMS based configuration? <Y,[N]>:n
Ethernet Port Settings
The Ethernet port configuration dialog does not run in the
Tip: You can configure Ethernet ports individually using the conf t interface ethernet command.
CAUTION: When you configure an Ethernet port using the command line interface, the port will be shut down. Use the conf t int ethernet <slot> <port> no shutdown command to restart the port.
Ethernet Port Options
The Ethernet Port Options dialog sets individual port values for the Ethernet interface.
X Family CLI Reference V 2.5.1 | 17 |