Chapter 3. Command Reference

conf t filter

The configure filter command configures a filter’s state and category for action set usage. The available states include disabled and enabled. When you configure a filter, you must know and enter the number for the filter. Only the reset subcommand supports “all” as an option.

number [-profile profile-name”] adaptive-config

enables adaptive filtering for the filter. You must enter a filter number. You can optionally include a profile and slot for the filter’s setting.

number [-profile profile-name”] no adaptive-config

disables adaptive filtering for the filter. You must enter a filter number. You can optionally include a profile and slot for the filter’s setting.

number [-profileprofile-name”]add-exceptionsource dest

creates and adds an exception to a filter. You must include a filter number, source IP address, and destination IP address. You can optionally include a profile and slot.

number [-profile profile-name ] delete-copy

deletes a copy of the filter. You must enter a filter number and profile in the command. The slot is optional.

number [-profile profile-name”] disable

disables a filter given the number. You must enter a filter number. You can optionally include a profile and slot.

number [-profile profile-name”] enable

enables a filter given the number. Do not use all in this command. You must enter a filter number. You can optionally include a profile and slot. The command also includes an option for action set.

-action-set string

specifies an action set for the filter.

number [-profile profile-name”] remove-exception source dest

deletes an exception from a filter. You must include a filter number, source IP address, and destination IP address. You can optionally include a profile and slot.

number [-profileprofile-name] threshold threshold

enables you to modify threshold settings of port scan and and host sweep filters. A scan/ sweep user policy must already exist.

number [-profileprofile-name] timeout seconds

enables you to modify timeout settings of port scan and and host sweep filters. A scan/sweep user policy must already exist.

number [-profile profile-name”] use-category

sets the specified filter to use the action set of its category, removing any previous overrides. You must enter a filter number. You can optionally include a profile and slot.

44 X Family CLI Reference V 2.5.1