hostname# clear interface
reset the card Enter the clear interface command and a slot number to reset the interface card in the specified slot. in slot n
reset port x on the interface card in slot n
erase all entries in all logs
hostname# clear interface 2
Enter the clear interface command, a slot number, and a port number to reset the specified port.
hostname# clear interface 2 1
Enter the clear log command without any parameters to erase all entries in all logs.
hostname# clear log
Are you sure you want to clear out ALL logs? <Y,[N]>:Y
access: global; all
The cls command clears the screen.
| Using the CLS command |
clear the | Enter the cls command to clear the screen. |
screen |
| hostname# cls |
access: local; super, admin, operator can configure own session and change own password; clock - super; ntp - super
The configure commands configure X family software and hardware settings.
The configure terminal commands change settings for many features of the device.
Tip: You can use the abbreviated form: conf t. You can also use a predefined alias: cft.
Note: When you enter 8 asterisks (********) as a password in a configure terminal command. the password will be set to the default value, which is password.
X Family CLI Reference V 2.5.1 | 33 |