Enabling SMS Configuration

Would you like to enable web filtering (license required) and set up firewall rules for all internal security zones? <Y,[N]>:y

Please choose a web filtering server. For best performance, select the server location that is closest to you. Available locations are:


1North America (us.surfcpa.com)

2Europe 1 (uk1.surfcpa.com)

3Europe 2 (uk2.surfcpa.com)

4Asia (asia.surfcpa.com)

Enter web filtering server selection []: 3

Would you like to allow management of the device from the external security zone (inband management)? <Y,[N]>:y

Would you like to enable DHCP server on internal security zones <Y,[N]>:y

Enabling SMS Configuration

The SMS Configuration dialog enables or disables configuration of the device by a Security Management System (SMS). If you enable this feature, you will be prompted to enter the IP address of the SMS device that you want to manage the X family device. The X family device will initiate a call to the SMS to begin the acquisition of the configuration files.

Note: The SMS must be correctly configured to enable remote deployment to the device. For detailed information about the SMS and remote deployment, see “X Family Remote Deployment” in the SMS User’s Guide.

By default, the external virtual interface on the X family device uses DHCP to acquire a dynamic IP address from a DHCP Server. You do not need to make any changes to the default setting when you enable SMS configuration. Additional configuration will be required if you use other external IP address options such as static, PPPoE, PPTP, or L2TP. The following example assumes that the X family device is using the default external virtual interface settings.


SMS-based configuration allows the device to retrieve the configuration for a secure management VPN to the SMS system. This ensures that the device can be managed securely from the


Would you like to enable SMS-based configuration? <Y,[N]>:y

Enter Primary Security Management System IP Address []:

Do you have a redundant SMS server? <Y,[N]>: n

Primary SMS IP address:

Enter [A]ccept, [C]hange, or [E]xit without saving [C]: a

X Family CLI Reference V 2.5.1