developing, 39
environment for developing, 24 examples of, 115
reporting state of, 83 PATH environment variable
setting with a module, 34 Pathscale
building parallel applications, 44 Pathscale compilers, 40 Pathscale Fortran (see Fortran) performance considerations, 113 performance health tests,
building parallel applications, 44 PGI compilers, 40
PGI Fortran (see Fortran) private file view, 113 /proc/cpuinfo, 19
program development (see application development) programming environment
compilers, 24
developing applications, 24 libraries, 24
linking requirements, 43 MKL library, 45 restrictions on using, 43
queue display, 82
examining availability, 96
remote execution, 107 reporting documentation errors
determining available, 94 role, 19
routing login requests, 29 RPM, 23, 34, 69
scancel command, 83 secure shell (see ssh) security, 107
SLURM, 84 serial applications
building, 42
compiling and linking, 42 debugging, 63 developing, 25, 39, 41 examples of, 115 programming model, 42
shared file view, 113 signal
sending to a job, 83
Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (see
sinfo command, 83, 96 SLURM, 81
fault tolerance, 84 interaction with LSF, 92 job accounting, 84
lsf partition, 95 security model, 84
SLURM_JOBID environment variable, 97, 100 SLURM_NPROCS environment variable, 97 submitting a serial job, 50
utilities, 81 SLURM commands
sacct, 84 scancel, 83 sinfo, 83, 96 squeue, 82 srun, 41, 81 software RAID
documentation, 16 mdadm utility, 16 squeue command, 82
srun command, 81 interrupting jobs, 41 LSF equivalents, 103 used with
ssh, 29
ssh_create_shared_keys command, 29, 107 submitting a batch job, 56
submitting a job, 52 overview, 49
submitting a job script, 56 submitting a parallel job, 51 submitting a serial job, 49
through SLURM, 50
with the LSF bsub command, 49 submitting an
developing applications on, 39 information, 83
logging in, 29 overview, 19
system architecture, 19
TotalView, 63, 64 debugging an application, 66 exiting, 67
setting preferences, 65 setting up, 64
tuning applications, 75
Unified Parallel C (see UPC)