8.2 The Intel Trace Collector and Analyzer with HP-MPI on HP XC
NOTE: The Intel Trace Collector (OTA) was formerly known as VampirTrace. The Intel Trace Analyzer was formerly known as Vampir.
8.2.1 Installation Kit
The following are
There are two installation kits for the Intel Trace Collector:
The Intel Trace Collector is installed in the /opt/IntelTrace/ITC directory.
The Intel Trace Analyzer is installed in the /opt/IntelTrace/ITA directory.
The license file is located in the /opt/IntelTrace/ directory so both tools can find it.
8.2.2 HP-MPI and the Intel Trace Collector
This section contains information about building a program with OTA.
•mpicc is replaced by mpicc.mpich
•mpif77 is replaced by mpif77.mpich
•mpirun is replaced by mpirun.mpich
In summary: mpiXX becomes mpiXX.mpich
As an example, the examples directory under /opt/IntelTrace/ITC was copied to a home directory and renamed to ITC_examples_xc6000. The GNU makefile makefile now resembles the following:
CC= mpicc.mpich
F77 = mpif77.mpich CLINKER = mpicc.mpich FLINKER = mpif77.mpich
IFLAGS | = |
CFLAGS | = |
FFLAGS | = |
LIBS | = | |
CLDFLAGS | = | $(TLIB) |
| ||
FLDFLAGS | = | $(TLIB) |
When you use the Intel compilers, add
[n1]/nis.home/sballe/xc_PDE_work/ITC_examples_xc6000 >mpirun.mpich
error while loading shared libraries: libcprts.so.6:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory MPI Application rank 0 exited before MPI_Init() with status 127 mpirun exits with status: 127 [n1]/nis.home/sballe/xc_PDE_work/ITC_examples_xc6000 >
For specific information on the error Error While Loading Shared Libraries: libcprts.so.6: cannot open shared object, see the following URL:
8.2 The Intel Trace Collector and Analyzer with