Modulefiles can be loaded into the your environment automatically when you log in to the system, or any time you need to alter the environment. The HP XC system does not preload modulefiles.

See Chapter 3 “Configuring Your Environment with Modulefiles” for more information.

1.3.3 Commands

The HP XC user environment includes standard Linux commands, LSF commands, SLURM commands, HP-MPI commands, and modules commands. This section provides a brief overview of these command sets.

Linux commands

You can use standard Linux user commands and tools on the HP XC


system. Standard Linux commands are not described in this document,


but you can access Linux command descriptions in Linux


documentation and manpages. Run the Linux man command with the


Linux command name to display the corresponding manpage.

LSF commands

HP XC supports LSF and the use of standard LSF commands, some


of which operate differently in the HP XC environment from standard


LSF behavior. The use of LSF commands in the HP XC environment


is described in Chapter 10 “Using LSF”, and in the HP XC lsf_diff


manpage. Information about standard LSF commands is available in


Platform LSF documentation, and in the LSF manpages. For your


convenience, the HP XC Documentation CD contains LSF manuals


from Platform Computing, Inc. LSF manpages are available on the HP


XC system.

SLURM commands

HP XC uses the Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management


(SLURM) for system resource management and job scheduling.


Standard SLURM commands are available through the command line.


SLURM functionality is described in Chapter 9 “Using SLURM”.


Descriptions of SLURM commands are available in the SLURM


manpages. Invoke the man command with the SLURM command name


to access them.

HP-MPI commands

You can run standard HP-MPIcommands from the command line.


Descriptions of HP-MPI commands are available in the HP-MPI


documentation, which is supplied with the HP XC system software.

Modules commands

The HP XC system uses standard Modules commands to load and


unload modulefiles, which are used to configure and modify the user


environment. Modules commands are described in “Overview of



1.4 Application Development Environment

The HP XC system provides an environment that enables developing, building, and running applications using multiple nodes with multiple cores. These applications can range from parallel applications using many cores to serial applications using a single core.

1.4.1 Parallel Applications

The HP XC parallel application development environment allows parallel application processes to be started and stopped together on a large number of application processors, along with the I/O and process control structures to manage these kinds of applications.

Full details and examples of how to build, run, debug, and troubleshoot parallel applications are provided in “Developing Parallel Applications”.

24 Overview of the User Environment

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HP XC System 4.x Software manual Application Development Environment, Commands, Parallel Applications