$ bsub -n 10 -ext "SLURM[constraint=dualcore]" -I srun hostname
You can use the bqueues command to determine the SLURM scheduler options that apply to jobs submitted to a specific LSF queue, for example:
$ bqueues -l dualcore grep SLURM
MANDATORY_EXTSCHED: SLURM[constraint=dualcore]
5.4 Submitting a Batch Job or Job Script
Use the following bsub command format to submit a batch job or job script:
The script will execute once on the first allocated node, and the srun or mpirun commands within the script will be run on the allocated compute nodes.
In Example
Example 5-14 Submitting a Job Script
$ cat myscript.sh #!/bin/sh
srun hostname mpirun
Job <29> is submitted to | default queue <normal>. | |||
<<Waiting for | dispatch ...>> |
| ||
<<Starting on | lsfhost.localdomain>> | |||
n2 |
n2 |
n4 |
n4 |
Hello world! | I'm 0 | of 4 | on | n2 |
Hello world! | I'm 1 | of 4 | on | n2 |
Hello world! | I'm 2 | of 4 | on | n4 |
Hello world! | I'm 3 | of 4 | on | n4 |
56 Submitting Jobs