software components are generic, and the HP XC adjective is not added to any reference to a
The location of each Web site or link to a particular topic listed in this section is subject to change without notice by the site provider.
Home page for Platform Computing, Inc., the developer of the Load Sharing Facility (LSF). LSF with SLURM, the batch system resource manager used on an HP XC system, is tightly integrated with the HP XC and SLURM software. Documentation specific to LSF with SLURM is provided in the HP XC documentation set.
Standard LSF is also available as an alternative resource management system (instead of LSF with SLURM) for HP XC. This is the version of LSF that is widely discussed on the Platform Web site.
For your convenience, the following Platform LSF documents are shipped on the HP XC documentation CD in PDF format:
—Administering Platform LSF
—Administration Primer
—Platform LSF Reference
—Quick Reference Card
—Running Jobs with Platform LSF
LSF procedures and information supplied in the HP XC documentation, particularly the documentation relating to the LSF integration with SLURM, supersedes the information supplied in the LSF manuals from Platform Computing, Inc.
The Platform LSF manpages are installed by default. lsf_diff(7) supplied by HP describes LSF command differences when using LSF with SLURM on an HP XC system.
The following documents in the HP XC System Software Documentation Set provide information about administering and using LSF on an HP XC system:
—HP XC System Software Administration Guide
—HP XC System Software User's Guide
Documentation for the Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (SLURM), which is integrated with LSF to manage job and compute resources on an HP XC system.
Home page for Nagios®, a system and network monitoring application that is integrated into an HP XC system to provide monitoring capabilities. Nagios watches specified hosts and services and issues alerts when problems occur and when problems are resolved.
Home page of RRDtool, a
Home page for Supermon, a
Home page for the parallel distributed shell (pdsh), which executes commands across HP XC client nodes in parallel.